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From: Poland

Location: Włocławek

On Useme since 10 February 2019

About me

My name is Arletta Pawlicka and I can become your virtual assistant making your business easier. If you are a person who has a lot to do, but can not extend the day, this is the place for you.

Who am I?

I am a creative, ambitious person, focused on acting and achieving the results you have set. I adapt quickly and flexibly to changes so that, despite unexpected returns, your company can achieve its intended purpose.

I studied psychology while supporting various companies in their development. It has strongly motivated me and that's why today I want to use all my knowledge, energy and skills to support people like you.

Each company has space for development.

How can I help you find her?


Prywatny Gabinet Stomatologiczny Poradnia Ortodont

„Pani Arletta Pawlicka od 2010 roku zajmowała stanowisko asystentki w Prywatnym Gabinecie Stomatologicznym Poradni Ortodontycznej znajdującej się we Włocławku przy ul. Kaliskiej 104a.

Pani Arletta pełniła następujące obowiązki:


Miller Basis Bygg AS

"Cooperation with Arletta has resulted in the development of my company. At that time, she helped me find the right people that I wanted to employ. In addition, it organized everything logistically, because employees from Poland were to execute...