Adding checkboxes to the contact form with the option to show and hide the full consent content

Closed job
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Rafał Stępień
5 deals
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:

360.00 PLN

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Job description

Good day,

I have a website created using WordPress and the Divi theme. I need to add 4 RODO consents to the contact form, two mandatory and 2 optional. These consents due to the long content should be made so that you can see the beginning of the sentence (e.g. 100 characters) and then there should be a link to expand/show the full content. When expanded, the link should change from "Show more" to "Show less". The form is currently made using the Divi Form module, ideally this solution should be applied to it, but suggestions for other plugins are also welcome. I ask for a quote for implementing such functionality.

I have not found an exact example on another site, something similar is here in the registration form

Required features

Contact form with RODO consents and options show more

Preferable solution

DIVI form or other WordPress plugin