Rozwiązanie problemu z wysyłaniem e-maili na serwerze VPS

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Recent jobs from category Coding and IT

  • no avatar
    SmartWebIT 19 deals
    Scalable OVH server with RDS
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a specialist in the topic of creating a scalable server on OVH with load balancer and RDS. Currently we have a VPS configured there. On it an entire application (Laravel PHP) along with a MySQL database. The application and database is growing. More and more other applications connect to the main server (backend) and perform operations on the database. We can't allow a situation that the server is not working even for 2 minutes. We want to migrate to a new scalable server structure with RDS. The first stage will be a consultation. I will talk about our service and what exactly we need. I will be expecting ideas for solutions. Then, after the details are settled, there will be a configuration of the new server and then a long-term maintenance cooperation. When applying, please write your experience in the above-mentioned topic and the hourly rate for consultation
  • no avatar
    don_nob 3 deals
    I am looking for someone who would be able to take over/redesign the admin panel of a mobile app. The admin panel is built on Vue.js + Firebase. Development theme for longer cooperation.
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    Hello I will order updating databases on server Best Regards MG
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    managerspakrakow 21 deals
    I will order the removal of spam / virus that installed on the website. The site works, but in the link preview appear Japanese characters and images unrelated to the theme of the site the site is on OVH. after scanning it through: the message shows: Known Spam detected: spam-seo?japanese.0
  • no avatar
    Karpatka 28 deals
    Server administration
    300.00 PLN
    I am looking for a person (companies thank you) who would help, in his spare time, with the administration of the server. My skills in this area are zero, and therefore I am willing to take permanent cooperation. The server needs constant care, review for optimization, possible updates and security. Programming skills in php, for example, when updating software to changing conditions on the server, especially security, are welcome. There are a dozen or so minor and major sites on the server, including, for example, Price is of paramount importance, so please quote me a rate for, say, 10 hours of work per month.
  • no avatar
    TrioNet 4 deals
    I have a developed educational platform based on wordpress and LMS LearnDash and a mobile application in flutter. I am looking for an administrator to audit the configuration of the hosting and the aforementioned application, make changes and administer the aforementioned solution for 12 months. I am asking for a price for audit + configuration and a separate one for maintenance.
CZ Cybersecurity
CZ Cybersecurity
5 deals
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Server administration
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Dzień dobry,

Szukamy doświadczonego administratora do pomocy w rozwiązaniu problemu z wysyłaniem maili z naszej domeny (zautomatyzowanych, wysyłanych za pomocą aplikacji napisanej w php). Problem polega na tym, że 1) wiadomości trafiają do folderu SPAM na gmailu lub w ogóle nie dochodzą i 2) dostarczanie wiadomości trwa bardzo długo.

Mile widziane osoby z doświadczeniem z cloudflare (konfiguracja DNS) oraz plesk.