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From: Poland

Location: Wrocław

On Useme since 27 June 2019

About me

I represent Polish-based web software house called Webini. For 7 years now we have been creating PHP web platforms for our Clients.

We are experts in creating, evolving and enhancing advanced web platforms. We work with technologies such as PHP, MySQL, PostrgeSQL, Node.js, Redis, Elasticsearch, SphinxSearch, MongoDB and RabbitMQ.

We design platforms in accordance with our Clients` expectations and their business` needs: we transform their vision into the language of technology. Until now, we delivered 100% of the projects we signed.


Tpay, ViralStat, WP, HelikonTex

We create, secure and accelerate web platforms for our clients.

I will gladly talk to you about your project and help you transform your idea into a well-working product.