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From: Poland

Location: Pogórze, PL

On Useme since 31 October 2023

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Deals 2




About me

Jesteśmy zespołem złożonym z osób o wykształceniu informatyczno-statystycznym. Posiadamy doświadczenie w projektowaniu i tworzeniu stron internetowych, tworzeniu grafiki AI i w Photoshop'ie oraz wykonywaniu analiz statycznych w szczególności w badaniach ilościowych.


Completed offers 2

  • I have a large editable pdf - English language version and I have a Polish translation for it. Volume - 48 pages, but more than half are photos, the text itself is not much. This is for sure - a conversion of pdf ang to pdf pl. It is possible that you still need to work on the file in terms of printing the booklet. But I'm not sure about that, it will come out in the wash. I have attached the brochure.
  • Ulotka A5 na cito wg zlecenia