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553 results

I have graduated from IT school with specialization of graphic design, currently I am creating e-mail campaignes...

He designs primarily a logo for companies or private individuals. Our Logoscells team offers really outstanding...

My name is Cezary. I am an IT technician. I have experience as a remote copywriter. I worked half a year in a...

The huge creativity - it makes me different than everyone. The big motivation to see the stars. Seller, visual...

I'm 22. I'm a student of management and services engineering. I would like to be a professional translator of...

Hi, my name is Patryk. I'm creative person and I can find myself in every life area. I gain abilities "on my own...

I have many years of experience (over 10) in running an office and managing human resources. I also have an...

I'm psychologist, mum and wife. some time in my life I was a jurnalist. I'm interested in world and many things. I...

Hi, I have three years of experience in creating content. I am interested in a healthy lifestyle, I am a personal...

I design websites according to basic needs with several subpages to much more complex, including online stores. For...

I love marine style, german and italian language. I bake a lot the cupcakes and i work on the ship at a sailor on...

Owner of a company capable of creating websites and shops, mobile applications, and marketing products and activities

I like to cooperate. I always try do my job honestly and give my best. I am creative and always expect good results...

Przez ponad sześć lat mieszkałem w Szkocji, gdzie na co dzień w pracy zawodowej posługiwałem się językiem angielskim...

Since 2017 we are a registered publisher in the National Library. PRICES LESS THAN 25% COMPETITIVE PRICE. In total...

Well Im just humble and I dont wanna say anything more about me;)

Hello, I specialize in creating websites for many years. I approach each client individually and comprehensively. I...

English and German translator/interpreter